PROJECT TITLE:- REHABILITATION OF CENTRAL LAW COURTS NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:- THE REHABILITATION OF THE CENTRAL LAW COURTS IN FREETOWN The Building is over a hundred years old and one of the finest in the country – an architectural heritage. Due to neglect over the years and on fire in the mid nineties, it was […]
PROJECT TITLE:- DUAL PURPOSED COURTS AT KENEMA NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:- The new design accommodates two Courts; High court and Magistrate court, Library, two Chambers, Probate, Filing, Registry, Sub-treasury store etc. Service Provided by TEDA: Architectural, Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Designs and Quantity Surveying Services-Complete. Supervision – Complete. Client:- LDP BRITISH COUNCIL Construction Period:- […]
PROJECT TITLE:- MAGISTRATE COURT BUILDING AT PADEMBA ROAD / HILLSIDE ROAD – FREETOWN NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:- The building housed 3no. Magistrates Courts, Magistrate chambers, Secretaries Office, Library, Cells, Filing, JP’s Office, Sub-treasury etc. Even though it is a single storey building its sits imposingly at a prominent intersection with pleasing appeal. . Service Provided […]
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